investing in people, causes, and organizations that usher in a brighter, fairer future.
As we’ve seen with recent stock market rumblings, people put their money where their heart is. Mackenzie, unlike other investment management firms, puts goodwill and human progress at the heart of its operations—as evidenced by its Women’s Leadership Fund, Global Environmental Equity Fund, and Global Leadership Impact ETF.
So we’ll create a new ETF called the Mackenzie Better World Fund, featuring a portfolio of businesses committed
to progress. Unlike other equality and social-minded funds, ordinary people (potential future Mackenzie customers)
get to choose this fund’s makeup—empowering themselves to invest in the change they’d like to see in the world.

How It Works
- For one week, people choose the initial makeup of the Mackenzie Better World Fund using interactive digital signs in major Canadian cities.
- Users allocate funds to the causes that matter most to them. They input their emails to complete the selection.
- Results are aggregated. After a week, the fund goes live and becomes open to the public.
- Users who interacted with the sign will get an email about the fund going live. They’ll be encouraged to follow up with their financial advisor about including Mackenzie in their portfolio today.

- For one week, people choose the initial makeup of the Mackenzie Better World Fund using interactive digital signs in major Canadian cities.
- Users allocate funds to the causes that matter most to them. They input their emails to complete the selection.
- Results are aggregated. After a week, the fund goes live and becomes open to the public.
- Users who interacted with the sign will get an email about the fund going live. They’ll be encouraged to follow up with their financial advisor about including Mackenzie in their portfolio today.

AD: Devin Fallen | CW: Charles Theori & Daniel Kang
4th Place in Crowdiate’s Mackenzie Investments Competition | Creative Conscience: Shortlist – Digital and Technology
AD: Devin Fallen | CW: Charles Theori &
Daniel Kang | 4th Place in Crowdiate’s Mackenzie Investments Competition | Creative Conscience: Shortlist – Digital and Technology